We learned the hard way. The cyclone had done a lot of damage to our windmill. It took days to repair it, especially the wings.
It was a disaster, because we had no water anymore. Luckily our neighbours gave us drinking water.
It's only in such situations that you learn how important water is in our lives. What it meant to not have water, in this heat. To be able to wipe your face with a wet cloth.
It taught us to appreciate the small gifts.
It taught us humility and to be less arrogant.
All the virtues Mother gave us like humility, courage, kindness etc.
To realise, to embody all that was going to be a tough job.
Not to mention the Charter of Auroville.
To be and remain really conscious about why we live in Auroville.
That we are servitors of the Divine, to develop further and become more and more conscious.
Thank you Mother that I can have water to stay alive.
